MAVS Community of Schools Townhall Meeting

MAVS Community of Schools Townhall Meeting
1/23/2023, 5:00 PM
Zoom ID: 8910 726 1235

MAVS Community of Schools Family and Staff: 

Join our virtual Town Hall on Monday, January 23 at 5:00 PM to learn about the process our District schools engage in to ensure their funding allocations are budgeted strategically to ensure student achievement keeps moving forward.

During this highly informative Town Hall presentation we will review:

  1. the budget development cycle
  2. data sources that influence budget decisions and school plans
  3. a data analyis protocol
  4. leadership opportunities for Parents/Families in LAUSD

We look forward to providing you with a working understanding about the importance of this process so you can in turn provide your school the benefit of your ideas and input to support your child's and students' academic achievement and social-emotional wellbeing.

We look forward to seeing you on

Monday, January 23, 2023, 5:00 pm at:

Zoom Link:

Zoom ID: 8910 726 1235

We also invite you to visit our Manual Arts | Vermont Square Community of Schools website at:

(Source: Manual Arts | Vermont Square Community of Schools)…

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