
The College and Career Center
Located in Main Building, High School Office
High School Counselors: Mrs. Almanza and Mr. Bassi
- Fee Waivers for SAT Reasoning, SAT Subjects, ACT and college applications
- Public and private scholarship information
- Help completing the FAFSA and the Cal Grant
- Test practice materials for SAT Reasoning, SAT Subjects and ACT
- College research materials
- Help completing college applications
The College & Career Center area on the FoshayWeb is designed to provide information about ... yes ... College & Careers! Please browse the links on the right to find out most of what you want to know about the road to college. This includes entrance requirements, how to choose a college (research hints, etc.), how to pay for college and even info on getting through high school successfully!
If you have any additional questions, come by and see us!
If you have any additional questions, come by and see us!